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NOWALzyme PD1000 P and NOWALzyme PD1050 L

12:12 pm


We have deinking products in powder & liquid form both. It’s far a completely unique combination of enzymes and surfactants for deinking of recycled paper, appropriate for each in batch and continuous process. It enables in breaking down the ink particles and dislodging the ink from the fibres without destructive results on cellulose additives. Those biodegradable products help in deinking procedure through the below advantages within the process.

  • Partial/complete elimination of sodium silicate, caustic, hydrogen peroxide and
  • Dislodging the ink particles, which removes in flotation cell.
  • Helps in improving fibre yield by reducing fibre rejects in flotation cell.
  • Improves brightness gain after flotation process.
  • Reduces stickies count from the pulp and paper.

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